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The Twelve Months of Christmas – Day 8 August’s Plum Blues


August’s Plum Blues, Original Silk Painting, Framed size 30 x 30 cm

£95 including P&P – Limited Edition Prints Available – Buy Now

Happy New Year everyone!

A few years back when I didn’t have quite so many jobs and had a bit more time on my hands, we used to have an allotment with a plum and a greengage tree. Come harvest time I used to rope the children into a bit of character building hard labour. They were ok with this until the year of the bumper crop when we picked over 80lbs of plum and greengages. They actually didn’t complain too much about the harvesting, it was the rather heavy featuring of plums in our diet for the next few weeks which pushed them over the edge and led to the composition of ‘The Plum Blues’. This went something like…

Woke up one morning, there were hundreds of plums, We plucked and plucked ’em till we bled from our thumbs, And it took aaaaages and aaaaaages to pick those greengages….. 

OK, so the songwriting needs some work…….

Best wishes,
